Men's Ministry at KBC
At KBC our Men's Ministry focuses on 4 key statements.
- to encourage and support all men in developing an evangelistic attitude at home and work.
- to build men's confidence in showing God's love through friendship.
- to encourage men to engage in honest Godly conversation through patient listening and thoughtful sharing.
- to fellowship and deepen relationships with others through various events and activities.
Biblical Eldership Training
"Eldership must be functioning, competent, and spiritually alive."
KBC runs a Biblical mentoring program to help train church elders as they walk through a study in Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch.
If you're interested in Eldership Training, please email Pastor Mark at
Upcoming Events
Men; come and join us to watch the big game on Sunday, Feb 9th at 6:00pm. The cost is $15 for the provided dinner. Please RSVP to Mike Maglayo if you are coming so he can prepare enough food.
Every Tuesday morning at 10:00 at the church. They are doing the study on the book of Nehemiah by Dr. Eric Mason. It is a 10 session study.
Beginning on Tuesday, January 28th at 10:00am the men will be starting a new study in the book of Jude- “The Fight For Faith.”
Please speak to Bob Hardisty if you are interested.
Once a month we invite you to join us for a cooked breakfast.
Contact Mike to tell him you're coming so we can have enough food for everyone.
Please join us for our next breakfast on Saturday, January 18th at 8:30am.
Join Us
We'd love to have you join us for one of our events. Check out our calendar to see what's coming up next. If you have further questions concerning our Men's ministry or visiting King Bible Church, please click the button below to get in touch with us or send us an email at