WORSHIP WITH US! Come to In-Person Services EVERY Sunday at 10:30 am. We can't wait to see you. Or join LIVE online HERE!

Opportunities for Giving

We value your ongoing faithful support during this time.

We still need your ongoing faithful financial support during this time. 

There are four ways you can give:

  • Offering Envelope — You can place cash or a cheque into an Offering Envelope (found in the pews or at the back) and place it in the plate at the back of the sanctuary.

  • E-transfer — Send your offering to givings@kingbiblechurch.com (no password is necessary). Your gift will be automatically deposited.

  • Direct Withdrawal — You can set up automatic monthly withdrawals by emailing Lisa at lisa@kingbiblechurch.com or calling the church 905-833-5104 to set that up.

  • Mail — Please mail any cheques to the church if you aren't able to be here on a Sunday

Benevolent donations

Mark an offering envelope Benevolent and put it in the offering plate at the back of the sanctuary OR you can also e-transfer and note what it's for.

Benevolent Offering is receipt-able.